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Is a  photographer based out of Washington, DC. Brandi's passion for photography started at the age of five with disposable cameras. In high school, Brandi joined the Athletic Achievement Academy (AAA) and picked up a passion for production and sports photography. Brandi started to brand herself as GovanGadget. Govan comes from her last name. The gadget comes from wanting to learn more about production and photography. 


In college, Brandi majored in journalism and media studies at Bennett College. While at Bennett College, Brandi was the executive producer for The Hashtag Show, Street Talk TV. Brandi also produced The Weekly ring. Brandi took pictures and videos for events on Bennett's campus.


Brandi takes pictures with a Canon Rebel T5. Her favorite style of photography is portrait. Portrait pictures are about lighting the subject perfectly. Brandi enjoys playing with lighting, forcing on a subject and finding the perfect angles.  

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